your daily dose of Science and Nature

Dec 2, 2019

7 Space Myths We Need to Stop Believing

There’s no doubt that Space is incredible. It’s an enormous and mysterious thing that the humans are still trying to comprehend. Astronomer have been studying space for decades. While studying universe many myths surface and people believe them without knowing the truth. Here we’re going to debunk few for you!

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1. Color Of Sun:

What Color is the Sun? The Sun is yellowish-white not completely yellow, orange or red. The only reason it looks yellow is because of the Earth’s atmosphere which makes it look yellow coloured. If we were to see the Sun in space it would be of a different colour. An image of the Sun from space is given below.

So, why the Sun is in fact Yellowish-white? That’s because it’s a main sequence star with a temperature of about 5,778° kelvin, which means it could only be Yellowish-white. Cool huh?

2. Sound in Space:

Space Has no Sound. All science fiction movies with classic space battles have epic laser sounds and the blasts of those lasers destroying spacecraft. But, the truth is fairly different. There is no sound in space. Sound requires a medium to travel through. Like air, water, or even steel to name a few. Space is a vacuum, so sound cannot travel in space.

3. Distance Between Asteroids:

Asteroid belts are not closely crowded. Asteroids are very distant from each other. Overlook what you have seen in the asteroids video game or from watching Star Wars. The average distance among Asteroids is 1,000,000 miles, giving you sufficient space to Parallel Park a Millennium Falcon or a complete fleet!

Space is gigantic! As a matter of fact, space is so big that even light takes time to travel to some destinations. Light can travel up to 300,000,000 meters/second. But the complete massiveness of space makes light appear like a snail riding on the back of a turtle traveling through the universe. At light-speed, a trip from the Sun to the Earth would complete in about 8 minutes. While that appears fast, a journey to our neighbouring star, Proxima Centauri, would take approximately 4 years! And a trip to the Andromeda Galaxy would take 2.5 million years. So, in order for us to journey from one galaxy to the other galaxy in the same time-frame in which we journey from state to state or country to country, would take technology far beyond what we have today. But as long as we continue to make progress in science, we’ll one day make that dream come true. And I hope we’ll turn it in a reality soon.

4. NASA's Budget:

NASA is given almost a quarter of the government budget? NASA never had that much money. Not by a long shot. The highest NASA’s budget was in 1966, when the agency was employed to finish the Apollo lunar landing by the end of the decade.

At that point, NASA was receiving 4.4% of the GDP; funding began dropping the next year and has been hovering on average about the 1% mark. The agency has never had 25% of the GDP. But can you picture what we could achieve if we did have that kind of funding for space exploration?

5. Micro Gravity:

There’s no such thing as Zero Gravity. Gravity is everywhere in space. The same force that keeps us on the ground retains the Moon in orbit around the Earth. And keeps the planets in orbit around the Sun. Gravity never had a break! So, when astronauts look like they’re floating, it’s for the reason that they are dropping at the same rate as the Space Station or pace ship that they’re in. This is recognized as Microgravity.

6. Far Side of the Moon:

There is a dark side of the Moon. Maybe, brought about by the Pink Floyd album, there’s a legend that says that one side of the Moon is continually covered in light while the other is in endless darkness. This isn’t true at all. The Moon is tidally sealed to the Earth so one side always faces our planet. This means it circles its own axis once per Earth month. So, it has a day and a night, just a day that persists two Earth weeks and a night that continues the same.

7. Black Holes Cosmic Vacuum Cleaners:

Black holes are not great vacuum cleaner. It sucks everything in, I mean they kind of, but they don’t suck everything in, any more than any other huge planetary bodies of comparable mass. So, if the Sun is substituted by a black hole of equal mass, all the planets that orbit the Sun would not just get pulled in instantly. Nothing would in fact change other than everybody freezing to death.

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